Cumberland River Compact

River Friendly Farms Newsletter Sign Up

River Friendly Farms Newsletter Sign Up

Subscribe to our quarterly River Friendly Farms newsletter.


Thank you for your interest in River Friendly Farms! Sign up to receive our quarterly newsletter with tips for farmers, program updates, and other important information about the Cumberland River and its tributaries. The River Friendly Farms program works to…

  • Spotlight farmers whose land use practices protect and enhance our shared waterways.

  • Provide tools and resources to farmers to be excellent soil and water stewards.

  • Educate non-farmers about how regenerative farm practices are important to water quality and public health.

Our River Friendly Farms program seeks to maintain positive, affirming relationships with all farmers as they pursue conservation goals. We encourage practices that keep topsoil and nutrients on the farm and out of streams. You can read more about the best management practices (BMPs) we encourage here.

For further inquiries, please contact